Hacker News

Help a Fellow Techie in Trouble

Hacker News - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 9:15am

Hey fellow HN people!

This is a call of help for anyone who is reading this.

I am currently an adept Python/AI engineer having 7 years of experience currently working Remote for US company.

Recently, a close family member was diagnosed with a relatively long-term illness for whom I need to be a care member. Despite this I am able to give 60-70 hours to my company as I work on Saturday-Sundays as well.

The current job-scene I have is an up and coming startup and I want to transition to a more stable and robust job even if it means I get paid low.

My ask is are there any opportunities for AI/ML/Data-Science engineers who might need someone with a stable team. I am not looking for the FAANG tech salary and I am ok to work on Sat-Sun.

The only thing I am looking for a is a stable job with fair compensation that uses my skills well.

Thank you for reading!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40075870

Points: 3

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Call for Help for an AI Engineer

Hacker News - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 9:12am

Hey fellow HN people!

This is a call of help for anyone who is reading this.

I am currently an adept Python/AI engineer having 7 years of experience currently working Remote for US company.

Recently, a close family member was diagnosed with a relatively long-term illness for whom I need to be a care member. Despite this I am able to give 60-70 hours to my company as I work on Saturday-Sundays as well. The current job-scene I have is an up and coming startup and I want to transition to a more stable and robust job even if it means I get paid low.

My ask is are there any opportunities for AI/ML/Data-Science engineers who might need someone with a stable team. I am not looking for the FAANG tech salary and I am ok to work on Sat-Sun.

The only thing I am looking for a is a stable job with fair compensation that uses my skills well.

Thank you for reading!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40075849

Points: 3

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Disengage Your Autopilot

Hacker News - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 9:11am
Categories: Hacker News

CNCF WasmCloud 1.0

Hacker News - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 9:09am
Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Front-end devs, what is your current db and back end of choice?

Hacker News - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 8:12am

I work on the front-end usually with Vue, and am in the process of building out a full-stack project.

I'm sure I don't have to explain the sheer amount of choices (analysis paralysis, yay!), but wanted to hear how other FE devs are doing it. Below are the options I've looked into:

- Supabase - Nhost - Xano

Would love to hear from anybody who has experience with the above choices. Any pros/cons of each? Doing research and wading through the BS is tough, especially with lots of conflicting information I'm coming across.

p.s - I know the best answer is "just choose one and build!", but I'm more curious to hear some anecdotes about what others are liking/disliking

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40075369

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Noticing You Don't Want to Do the Thing

Hacker News - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 8:09am

Article URL: https://www.onodi.co/noticing

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40075349

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Every jQuery All at Once

Hacker News - Thu, 04/18/2024 - 8:09am
Categories: Hacker News
