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The Kekulé Problem

Hacker News - Fri, 03/29/2024 - 9:29am
Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Clace – Platform for hypermedia driven internal web tools

Hacker News - Fri, 03/29/2024 - 9:27am

I am building https://github.com/claceio/clace, an open source platform to develop and deploy hypermedia driven web apps for internal tools. For running multiple web applications on a single machine, Clace provides functionality which usually requires stitching together multiple services: reverse proxy like nginx/caddy (for domain/path based routing, TLS certs, static file serving), application server like uwsgi/gunicorn with micro-framework like flask (for API handling, HTML templates) and deployment infrastructure like containers/VMs/k8s (for isolation across apps, versioning and staged deployments, gitops). For internal web apps, Clace provides similar functionality in a single lightweight binary.

Clace and its plugins are implemented in go. User applications are developed in Starlark, which uses a python inspired syntax. Clace is intended for use cases where internal tools need to provide access to backend infrastructure like databases, APIs or scripts. Each Clace app runs in a security sandbox, only operations approved by the admin are allowed for each app. App developer can make code changes but they need to stay within the defined rules. For internal tools, where the goal is to glue together external APIs, Starlark works great as the glue code. Being hypermedia driven, with HTMX support, there is no or minimal user javascript required on the frontend. Apps have no build step, so apps can be installed from github url directly.

The goal is to build a platform for developing internal tools. Since there are no python/nodejs dependencies to install, easy app distribution is the advantage of Clace for local use. The dev environment for Clace apps including live reload is available without any additional setup (just add the --dev option during app create). Rundeck like jobs for operational use cases are planned. Currently, free-form applications are supported.

To install and try it out, run

curl -L https://clace.io/install.sh | sh source $HOME/clhome/bin/clace.env clace server start & clace app create --auth-type=none --approve /disk_usage github.com/claceio/clace/examples/disk_usage # This installs a du like webapp clace app create --auth-type=none --approve /book github.com/claceio/apps/utils/bookmarks # This installs a bookmark manager using sqlite for persistence On Windows, use pwsh -Command "iwr https://clace.io/install.ps1 -useb | iex" to install Clace (or use powershell).

The installed apps are available at https://localhost:25223/disk_usage and https://localhost:25223/book.

Do try it out, would appreciate any feedback.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39863863

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Projects You Thought Were Cool but Failed Miserably – What Happened?

Hacker News - Fri, 03/29/2024 - 9:11am

Hey HN community,

I'm here to spark a discussion on a topic that, I believe, many of us have encountered but might not often talk about: projects that we were excited about and believed in, but that ended up failing miserably after release.

To kick things off, I want to share my own experience with a project called interfAIce. It's a Java/Kotlin library that allows developers to access Large Language Models (LLMs) by defining interfaces. The library automatically generates proxies that query the OpenAI API and formats the results into the defined return type data. I thought it was super cool at the time of development.

Despite my enthusiasm, my library never gained the attention I hoped for after its release. Reflecting on it, I believe the primary reason might be the mismatch between the technology stacks used by Java/Kotlin developers, who are mostly in server/mobile development, and AI developers, who predominantly use Python or C++. Of course, this could just be one of many reasons it didn't succeed.

This experience left me pondering, and I'm curious to hear from you all: What projects have you worked on that seemed promising or even groundbreaking during the development phase but didn't succeed in the market or with users for one reason or another? What was the project about, what made it seem promising initially, and ultimately, what led to its downfall?

More importantly, what do you think were the reasons for the failure? Was it a matter of timing, market fit, execution, or perhaps something else entirely? How did this experience influence your approach to future projects?

I believe that by sharing these stories and the reasons behind the failures, we can provide valuable insights and lessons for all of us, especially for those in the software engineering and development fields. It's a chance to reflect on the unpredictable nature of tech projects and the importance of resilience in our industry.

Looking forward to hearing your stories and learning from your experiences!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39863684

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News
